So, we proceeded in getting our ass kicked again. This thing had Darkness it could put up at will in which it could see fine. Zolton’s item allowed him 10’ of blindsight but that was it for the heroes. It did 2d10 plus extra cold damage twice per round. Kharn got critted and then dropped with the second attack. (Dan: my guy flew up. Somehow got hit and taken out. Maybe it had reach? I felt bad that people were scrambling around trying to stabilize me but it seemed everyone was scrambling to stay alive. I was doing normal damage with my fiery fists but finding it in the darkness was a losing proposition. Zolton's directions were "It's 20 feet in front of me" In game and out of the game we were like "Where the heck is that? I don't even know where you are, let alone where you are facing!" He did get slightly better). Most of us, wandered around in the darkness at half speed, hoping to run into something. It did a Cone of Cold and put us on the ropes. It was all we could do to keep people from dying. When it did a second Cone of Cold, we were all dead. (Dan: I was 40ft in the air when that happened. Good thing it was part of the adventure. I never thought it would be so dangerous to be in the air.) What fun. We were then visited by a ghost/god who told us that she could allow us to fight it again, in ghost form and she’d stay here and guard our bodies. Evidently, she had tried to defeat this thing and failed but she hoped we could succeed. (Dan: She killed its body but it returned to pseudo-life as a Fiend. Because Ravenloft.) So, armed with ghost powers including the all-important ability to see in the darkness, we went to its camp and attacked again. It still instantly dropped Kaladin with a crit and a hit again but we took it out in a couple of rounds. The last blow was made by Loki who grabbed the sword from the material plane that Zolton had been Mage Handing around. (Dan: Zolton tried to treasure the child we rescued but mostly ended up terrifying her. For a short time it seemed he was going to kill her... accidentally of course. He finally got her to calm down.) We returned to our bodies, watched the spirit happily fade away, and escorted the child back to her mother. (Dan: The father had died from massive head trauma. The DM kindly reassured Zolton that healing would not have worked and it would have required a revivify even if we had tried to heal him before running off to save the child.) The heroes were greeted with barred doors and the tavern so we took a short rest in the street. And stopped there.